Today our subject will be how this movie:

Is basically the exact same thing as this one:

I'll be brief because I have more important entries I really should be writing (Raw Deal, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, any Van Damme movie ever made except for maybe The Quest). Also you should be warned, this contains spoilers for both films, and even though neither of them rule, and are both as well pretty totally uncool (the Social Network excels in this category, actually). They are totally worth watching, if you are interested in spending roughly four hours doing uncool things that don't rule. In fact, If you think about it for a sec, there are way worse ways you could spend those four hours. For example: working at your job, doing laundry, going to the grocery store, taking a really long shower, waiting in the emergency room, or maybe even reading blog posts on the internet. In fact, I would argue that watching either one of these movies is a pretty good use of your time spent not participating in activities that are cool, and rule.
This movie is about a misfit:

Who can't fit into society so he compensates by using a gift inherent only to him, and gives the world something unique.

Which changes folks lives dramatically. Unfortunately, the thing he makes although great, is a poor substitute for basic social skills and he ends up completely alone. They both as well indirectly end up being destroyed by normal guy jock "elite" dudes. Edward by killing him by mistake, Zuckerberg by trying to adopt their mannerisms. This is not to say that there aren't subtle differences between the two. For example, in the movie, Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have scissors for hands.
Otherwise, totally the same thing. In conclusion, I would like to apologize to any of my more sensitive readers who may have become upset, about the unorthodox nature of this post. Next week, more important movies, that matter.
Damn. You totally spoiled "The Social Network" for me.
ReplyDeleteGiven the choice I think I would have to go with long shower every time.
ReplyDelete...also, may I suggest a future review: "Lifeforce" More people need to know about this possibly coolest movie that completely rules.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great observation! No, I really mean that! It also made me laugh a bunch.