Legendary cheapskate reviews movies after you have already seen them, or decided that you weren't interested.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Super 8

Super 8 was pretty fucking rad. This was my first experience with going to Cinema Holdings for the only! one! dollar! cinema experience and I was pretty curious as to what it'd be like. Turns out it totally rules, good mix of people all in a really good mood, super dirty, half bags of popcorn everywhere (tried some, way too salty). Having just moved from Philly I was pretty sure it was gonna be just us and room full of bums jerking off, but no dice. This' a family establishment!

Audience make up was a good mix of very young to very old, with a cool group of teens who were really enjoying themselves and getting into the movie. There was also definetly a dude in front of us who was checking his OK Cupid or texts of something else equally stupid while it was going on, but he said something funny when the title came up ("Super Nine, Super Ten"). So I let it slide, and didn't think about putting my fist through the back of his head.

Super 8 has been getting a lot of praise/flack for being pretty Spielbergian and I can verify, that it is that. It's really sentimental at parts, centers around kids doing awesome stuff while also interacting like real kids doing it, and has a good sense of the fantastic. Some people think it's a lot like E.T. a movie which personally creeps me out, but it reminded me more of Goonies, which is an awesome movie and an important part of my childhood DNA.

There are many things that make this film awesome including,

A funny fat kid.

A dude who looks like Sabretooth if he was sad always.

A funny little kid who Mandy had conflicting feelings about 'cause he looks like a little Tom Petty with braces (bad), but is also super funny and likes explosions and other awesome stuff (good).

Multiple incredible shots of kids riding bikes, IMO one of the coolest things you can show in a movie.

A perfect shot of kids running towards a fence and then jumping over it then running some more.

A few parts where you might tear up if you tear up at the movies.

And a perfect shot of kids all throwing their backpacks over a fence, then jumping over it (yes!).

If these things appeal to you maybe you should see this movie. It was directed by J.J. Abrams who I always thought was a total idiot because he made Lost which sucks. Plus that time he made Captain Kirk listen to Sabotage then drive a car off a cliff, which is so mind bogglingly stupid only a total and complete piece of shit could ever think of it.

It was also paradoxically, my favorite part of that movie.

Anyone who tries to make a Star Trek movie after IV should probably be lined up against a wall and shot anyways. So like I was saying, he's probably still a total idiot. But! this was a really good movie about kids going on cool adventures, being kids and just generally ruling. It was a pretty cool movie and I would have gladly paid five dollars to see it.


  1. "Anyone who tries to make a Star Trek movie after IV should probably be lined up against a wall and shot anyways."

    VI was good.

  2. Yea but IV is king, also check this shit out

    "Before the film's release he viewed a near-final version of The Undiscovered Country, and according to the film's producer and Kelley's biographer, approved a final version of the film.[84] In contrast, Nimoy and Shatner's memoirs report that after the screening he called his lawyer and demanded a quarter of the scenes be cut; the producers refused, and within 48 hours he was dead"

    Star Trek VI Killed Gene Roddenberry!
